Gehlen Catholic School Volunteer - volunteers are needed in classrooms, on the playground, in the arts, at sporting events, as chaperones, and more! Contact Amy Jungers, Gehlen's Director of Development, at 712-546-4181 ext. 237.
Faith Formation Catechist or Volunteer
Funeral Committee - volunteers help prepare and serve luncheons follow funerals at both St. James and St. Joseph Churches.
Visitor to the home-bound
Knights of Columbus - an international order of men focused on supporting families and the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.
Catholic Daughters of America - an international society of women which strengthens spiritual lives, supports the Church, and participates in social and charitable activities.
Plymouth County Right to Life - is non-profit organization and an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan and are dedicated to the pro-life cause.
Meals on Wheels - is a community-based organization dedicated to providing nutrition and helping eliminate isolation among the elderly.
For more information on the above opportunities, please contact the Parish Office at 712-546-5223 or [email protected]. Unless otherwise noted.